Friday, May 13, 2011

 Thoughts on Past Reads

Not so long ago...

I haven't been blogging much lately because I've had a lot of personal stuff going on.  But this is an anonymous literature blog so we aren't going into that.  Anyways, lately I've been delving into the bookshelves again, feeling like I was ten and going to the library was a shopping spree.

I mean, I've brought home over twenty-five books in the past month and as I've been reading again, I've been looking back on that marvelous site, Goodreads, at past books I've read.  (To the people out there who I pretend reads my blog--no it's not a link to my Goodreads account so you still don't get to see who I am.)

In over four years of serious writing, I've changed how I look at books I read. (And by serious I mean actual butt-in-seat-typing-I-want-to-be-published-one-day serious rather than random jottings or serious writing topics such as why I truly am one hardcore loner, which also will not be brought up on this blog.)

Of course I would look at another writer's work differently than I did when I was younger.  Any writer who wants to get better and is actively improving themselves will learn as they read, becoming more critical in their readings.  But, I was looking at books that I marked in the past as being wonderful and marvelous and realized that maybe, actually...they are kind of crappy. Sure I loved them once but I can't honestly rate them so awesomely now. So, my point is--I'm wondering--who goes back and changes their ratings? Do you?

Have your opinions on previous favorites changed?  If so, how or in what ways?

Am I the only one who feels like they are breaking up with former favorites, the more they read and study writing? (For further elaboration, see my awesomely prodigious illustrations.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That first picture is so me! I actually did that and everyone looked at me strangely. :)